May 4, 2009

Faces Frame the Light

Breathe into my lungs, a song. A soft and gentle word. A phrase that stays inside my heart, exhaling my every thought. Excitement beneath the sound. The whisper, the air around.

The silhouettes of souls searching for a sign. A sigh. A certain kind of confident shy, covering the eyes that pierce my mind. See straight through the distance, I need to try.

So keep me there. Keep me near, cause far is not so far at all, and faces frame the light that sleeps under the stars when clouds retain the flashes from the sky.

I'm safe here.

Safer than I've ever been before.

1 comment:


i feel silly and annoying for loving almost everything you write.

perhaps i dig your style. i had an english professor that i loved because he wrote a lot like me. so i think this is what makes us like certain authors/poets--people whose minds travel similar paths. we get it. we don't typically like math.

ok, goodnight.