April 11, 2009

Memoirs of a Zombie

Sometimes I feel like a zombie.
Rising from the grave.
The yard.
Walking with a limp.
Unaware of my disposition.
My distraction.
Dead, but somehow still alive.
Pale as all hell.
Rings around my eyes.
I want to be loved.
Searching for a way to be normal again.
But what does normal even mean?
What song does normal sing?
I'm still here.
Despite the color of my hair.
I crawl for days.
Sleep for years.
Hope to hear the call.
The telephone ring.
The words.
The love they bring.
I'm a mess.
Staking my claim for a better life.
A better way.
With you.
As for now I'll step back.
Back into my grave.

1 comment:


..i don't even know what to say

except its so true
and i felt like this recently

i even held my arms straight out at work the other day.
head cocked to the left

dont stop writing