May 20, 2008

A Motion Undeclared

On roads that lead to white carnations, single roses drift from glance to glare. They shatter soft lights and sunrise stares. Stay safe, stay close. Stand there with arms crossed, head down, examining the patterns on the floor. The magnifying glass sees all. So focused on the unseen, unheard, unprepared. So undeserving to all that fell or felt right. Middays and midnights know not the voices who demand the slightest of pain. To love or gain a motion undeclared, set apart. Meet the sky, the fairness of truth. An honest approach steals my heart, swirling around in the cool brisk ocean air. High above the shore. The view is spectacular. The fear is overwhelming. Hide it back behind the eyes that glisten red. Hold on tight. A fall like this could kill. It passes in time. Slowly descending. Patiently receiving. Waiting for those who move with one calm step at a time.

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